Antonio Pascual, el último sastre tradicional de Donostia


Antonio Pascual-en istorioa, Donostiko azken sastre tradizionala. 2022ko udaberrian, bere bizi osoko lana ezagutzeko aukera izan genuen, kapitulu honi amaiera eman baino hilabete batzuk lehenago.

Idoia Uribesalgo zoragarriarekin batera landutako proiektua.


The story of Antonio Pascual, the last traditional tailor of Donostia-San Sebastián. During spring 2022, we had the amazing opportunity to get to know his lifetime of work months before it was about to come to an end.

This project was only possible together with the amazing Idoia Uribesalgo.


Kotoizko Zaindariak